PinnedDependency Injection with Dagger-HiltHerkese selamlar, yeni bir yazı ile tekrar karşınızdayım. İlk zamanlarda aklımı çok karıştıran, konu içerisine girip daha fazla bilgi…Jun 14, 20234Jun 14, 20234
Kotlin Collections — II → Collection Operations(3/3)Hello everyone. This is the last part of the “Kotlin Collections” article series. Before we get started, if you haven’t read the other…Oct 17, 2023Oct 17, 2023
Kotlin Collections — II → Collection Operations(2/3)Hi folks! I’m back with the second part of my “Kotlin Collections” series. Before we get started, if you are unfamiliar with the topic and…Oct 13, 2023Oct 13, 2023
Kotlin Collections — I (1/3)Hi folks, in this article series, we will examine the Collections and Collection Operations in the Kotlin Standard Library, which all of…Oct 10, 2023Oct 10, 2023
Android Custom Views — 2 (Handling Touch Events)This is the second part of the article which I’ve translated. As i said before All technical information and details in the article belong…Oct 3, 2023Oct 3, 2023
Android Custom Views — 1 (Matrix & PorterDuffXfermode )In this article series, I have translated my mentor Senior Android Developer Halil Özcan’s medium article titled “Android Custom Views — 1…Oct 3, 2023Oct 3, 2023
Migrate To Kotlin Symbol Processing(KSP)Hello everyone, today we are going to talk about a very popular topic for Android Development recently: Kotlin Symbol Processing(KSP).Sep 25, 20231Sep 25, 20231
Kotlin Delegation By Muhammet KüdürHerkese merhabalar, yeni bir yazı ile tekrar karşınızdayım. Bu yazımda Kotlin’de Delegation neden kullanılır, ne tür özellikleri vardır…Sep 11, 2023Sep 11, 2023
Android Temel Yapı Taşlarından: Context nedir?Herkese selamlar, bu yazımda yanlış kullanıldığında bizi memory leak’e götürebilecek, Android Developmentın yapı taşlarından Context nedir…Jul 9, 2023Jul 9, 2023
Kotlin lambda expressions, inline, crossinline, noinline, reified functionsSelamlar, bu yazımda ilk karşılaştığımda kafamı karıştıran lambda expressions, inline, crossinline, noinline ve reified functions nedir…May 23, 2023May 23, 2023